BASP21 FTP Object

BASP21 FTP Object is file transfer protocol (FTP) component which can be used from ASP, Visual Basic, VBA, WSH(Windows Scripting Host). 1999/09/25 New!

How to use

Create object names "basp21.FTP" by CreateObject Method.

   Set ftp = Server.CreateObject("basp21.FTP")   ' ASP
   Set ftp = CreateObject("basp21.FTP")          ' VBA or VB
   Set ftp = WScript.CreateObject("basp21.FTP")  ' WSH

Call method of Object you just created.

   variable = ftp.method_name(parameter)

Explanation of Each Method

  1. Connect
    Connects to the FTP server.
    rc = ftp.Connect(dest,user,pass)
    svr  [in]  : Internet Protocol address or network host name at connection
                 The port number (default value 21) and the time-out value
                 (default value 120 second) can be specified by delimiting ":".
    user [in]  : user name.
    pass [in]  : password.
    rc [out]  : The result code.
      0 : Method completed successfully.
      1 - 5 : Error. Call the GetReply method, and examine details in the FTP
              response text. 
      10000 or more : Winsock Error.
      -1 : Socket opening error.
      -2 : Time-out
    rc = ftp.Connect("","anonymous","")
  2. GetFile
    Retrieves a file or files from the FTP server and stores it under the specified file name.
    rc = ftp.GetFile(remote,local[,type])
    remote [in]  : Remote file name. The delimitation of the directory uses "/".
                   The specification of multiple files uses "*" like "*" and "*. html" etc.
                   "*" can be used only once. For instance, "* aa*.txt" cannot be specified.
                   Example: a.html --- a.html of current directory
                        html/a.html --- a.html of html directory
                        html/*.html --- All html files of html directory
                        html/*      --- All files of html directory
    local [in]   : File name or directory name of local (machine which is operation of BASP21). 
                   Please specify the directory name at multiple files.
    type  [in]   :The received data type is specified as follows. 
      0 : ASCII (Default value).
      1 : BINARY.
    rc [out]  : The result code.
      1 or more : Method completed successfully. Transmitted number of files. 
      0   : Error. File not found.
      other : Error. Call the GetReply method, and examine details in the FTP
              response text. 
    rc = ftp.GetFile("html/index.html","c:\temp\html")
    rc = ftp.GetFile("html/index.html","c:\temp\html\index2.html")
    rc = ftp.GetFile("html/*.html","c:\temp\html")
    rc = ftp.GetFile("html/images/*","c:\temp\image",1)
  3. PutFile
    Stores a file or files on the FTP server.
    rc = ftp.PutFile(local,remote[,type])
    local [in]  : The transmitted file name is specified by fully qualified.
                   The specification of multiple files uses "*" like "*" and "*. html" etc.
                   "*" can be used only once. For instance, "* aa*.txt" cannot be specified.
                        c:\html\a.html --- a.html of html directory
                        c:\html\*.html --- All html files of html directory
                        c:\html\*      --- All files of html directory
    remote [in]   : The directory name of the file to create on the remote system. 
                    ""is current directory. 
    type  [in]   :The sending data type is specified as follows. 
      0 : ASCII (Default value).
      1 : BINARY.
    rc [out]  : The result code.
      1 or more : Method completed successfully. Transmitted number of files. 
      0   : Error. File not found.
      other : Error. Call the GetReply method, and examine details in the FTP
              response text. 
    rc = ftp.PutFile("c:\html\index.html","html")
    rc = ftp.PutFile("c:\html\*.html","html")
    rc = ftp.PutFile("c:\html\images\*","html/images",1)
  4. PutToday
    The file changed today is transmitted. It is convenient to transmit only the changed file.
    rc = ftp.PutToday(local,remote[,type])
    local [in]  : The transmitted file name is specified by fully qualified.
                   The specification of multiple files uses "*" like "*" and "*. html" etc.
                   "*" can be used only once. For instance, "* aa*.txt" cannot be specified.
                        c:\html\a.html --- a.html of html directory
                        c:\html\*.html --- All html files of html directory
                        c:\html\*      --- All files of html directory
    remote [in]   : The directory name of the file to create on the remote system. 
                    ""is current directory. 
    type  [in]   :The sending data type is specified as follows. 
      0 : ASCII (Default value).
      1 : BINARY.
    rc [out]  : The result code.
      1 or more : Method completed successfully. Transmitted number of files. 
      0   : File not found.
      other : Error. Call the GetReply method, and examine details in the FTP
              response text. 
    rc = ftp.PutToday("c:\html\*.html","html")
  5. DeleteFile
    Deletes a file stored on the FTP server.
    rc = ftp.DeleteFile(remote)
    remote [in]  : Remote file name. The delimitation of the directory uses "/".
                   The specification of multiple files uses "*" like "*" and "*. html" etc.
                   "*" can be used only once. For instance, "* aa*.txt" cannot be specified.
                   Example: a.html --- a.html of current directory
                        html/a.html --- a.html of html directory
                        html/*.html --- All html files of html directory
                        html/*      --- All files of html directory
    rc [out]  : The result code.
      1 or more : Method completed successfully. Deleted number of files. 
      other : Error. Call the GetReply method, and examine details in the FTP
              response text. 
    rc =ftp.DeleteFile("html/*")
  6. RenameFile
    Renames a file stored on the FTP server.
    rc = ftp.RenameFile(old,new)
    old [in]  : the name of the file that will have its name changed on the remote FTP server. 
    new [in]  : the new name for the remote file. 
    rc [out]  : The result code.
      2 : Method completed successfully. 
      other : Error. Call the GetReply method, and examine details in the FTP
              response text. 
    rc = ftp.RenameFile("html/index.html","html/top.html")   ' index.html -> top.html
  7. GetDir
    The file list is returned by the array.
    farray = ftp.GetDir(remote[,mode])
    remote [in]  : Remote directory name.
    mode   [in]  : Kind of file list. 
      0 : Default value. Only the file name. 
      1 : Only the directory name. 
      2 : LIST format. The result of the LIST command is returned.
      3 : NLST format. The result of the NLST command is returned.
    farray [out]  : The result is returned by the array. The array is not returned
                     when there are neither an error nor an entry. 
    rc = ftp.GetDir("")   ' File list of current directory
  8. Command
    Send a command directly to an FTP server. The command with a data transfer such as STOR/RETR/LIST/NLST cannot be executed.
    rc = ftp.Command(cmd)
    cmd [in]  : Command name and parameter. The command which can be executed is
                different according to the FTP server. 
                The following commands are defined in the FTP protocol. 
                - HELP [command]  ---  send helpful information regarding its implementation
                - CMD path  --- change working directory
                - CDUP      --- change parent directory
                - RMD path  --- remove directory
                - MKD path  --- make directory
                - SITE command --- execute site command
    rc [out]  : The result code.
      2 : Method completed successfully. 
      -1 : STOR/RETR/LIST/NLST cannot execute.
      other : Error. Call the GetReply method, and examine details in the FTP
              response text. 
    rc = ftp.Command("HELP")   ' HELP command
    help = ftp.GetReply()   ' get reply
    The content of help (Differ according to the server):
    214-The following commands are recognized (* =>'s unimplemented).
       USER    PORT    STOR    MSAM*   RNTO    NLST    MKD     CDUP    PBSZ*
       PASS    PASV    APPE    MRSQ*   ABOR    SITE    XMKD    XCUP    PROT*
       ACCT*   TYPE    MLFL*   MRCP*   DELE    SYST    RMD     STOU    SIZE 
       SMNT*   STRU    MAIL*   ALLO    CWD     STAT    XRMD    AUTH*   MDTM 
       REIN*   MODE    MSND*   REST    XCWD    HELP    PWD     ADAT*
       QUIT    RETR    MSOM*   RNFR    LIST    NOOP    XPWD    CCC*
    214 Direct comments to ftp-bugs@server1.
    rc = ftp.Command("HELP SITE")   ' HELP SITE command
    helpsite = ftp.GetReply()   ' get reply
    The content of helpsite (Differ according to the server):
    214-The following SITE commands are recognized (* =>'s unimplemented).
       UMASK   IDLE    CHMOD   HELP 
    214 Direct comments to ftp-bugs@server1.
    rc = ftp.Command("HELP SITE CHMOD")   ' HELP SITE CHMOD command
    helpchmod = ftp.GetReply()   ' get reply
    The content of helpchmod (Differ according to the server):
    214 Syntax: SITE CHMOD  mode  file-name
  9. GetReply
    The response text of the FTP command is received. Details of the error and the execution result of the Command method are received.
    text = ftp.GetReply()
    text [out]  : The response text is returned by the character string.
                  CRLF is included when extending to two or more lines. 
    text = ftp.GetReplay()
  10. OpenLog
    Open the log file. The exchange of the FTP command with the FTP server is preserved in the text file.
    rc = ftp.OpenLog(file[,mode])
    file [in]  : The file name is specified by fully qualified.
    mode [in]  : 0 - newly created. 1 - append mode.
    rc [out]  : The result code.
      0 : Method completed successfully. 
      other : Error.
    rc = ftp.OpenLog("c:\ftplog.txt",1)   ' append
  11. CloseLog
    Close the log file.
    rc = ftp.CloseLog()
    rc [out]  : The result code.
      0 : Method completed successfully. 
      other : Error.
    rc = ftp.CloseLog()
  12. Close
    Close connection.

Sample code

Retrieves a file from the Microsoft FTP server.
Visual Basic
Private Sub Form_Load() Dim ftp As Object, rc As Long, v As Variant, v2 As Variant Dim ctr As Long Set ftp = CreateObject("basp21.FTP") ftp.OpenLog "c:\temp\log.txt" rc = ftp.Connect("", "anonymous", "") If rc = 0 Then v = ftp.GetDir("bussys/winnt/winnt-public", 2) If IsArray(v) Then For Each v2 In v Debug.Print v2 Next End If v = ftp.GetDir("bussys/winnt/winnt-public") If IsArray(v) Then For Each v2 In v Debug.Print v2 Next End If rc = ftp.GetFile("bussys/winnt/winnt-public/*", "c:\temp") End If End End Sub WSH
set bobj=createobject("basp21") set ftp=createobject("basp21.FTP") Set WshShell = Wscript.CreateObject("Wscript.Shell") WshShell.Run ("notepad") ftp.OpenLog "c:\temp\log.txt" rc = ftp.Connect("", "anonymous", "") If rc = 0 Then v = ftp.GetDir("bussys/winnt/winnt-public", 2) bobj.Debug v v = ftp.GetDir("bussys/winnt/winnt-public") bobj.Debug v rc = ftp.GetFile("bussys/winnt/winnt-public/*", "c:\temp") End If

Important Note of BABAQ Free Soft


Copyright 1999 Tatsuo Baba All rights reserved.