


● 外部出力形式名
FreeBASIC は、C 定義を使います。

● Name Export Output.
Normally select output.

● 既定外部出力ファイル名
Normally rsrc.bi

● 保存時に、自動外部出力



● Grid X-Size, Grid Y-Size
Sets the size of the grid.

● Grid color
Sets the color of the grid.

● Show grid
The grid will be visible.

● Snap To Grid
Controls will have size and position according to grid.

● Show Size/Pos
A tooltip will show size or position of control.

● Grid as lines
The grid will be shown as lines.

● Styles as hex
Styles will be saved as hex values in rc script.

● Size Dialog to Font
If you change the size of the font, the dialog and its controls will be resized.

● Simple Property
Only common properties will be shown. The style manager is used to set styles.

IDC_STATIC will be defined in the rc script.

Custom controls


● Custom control
This field contains the filename of a RadASM compatible custom control or a quoted string.
Format RadASM control: filename.dll
Example1: RAEdit.dll
RadASM compatible code edit control.
Format quoted string: "[dll],class,name,[caption],tooltip,width,height,style,exstyle"
Example2: "Riched32.dll,richedit,IDC_RED,Text,RichEdit,100,100,503110C4,00000200"
Old rich edit control.
Example3: ",static,IDC_LINE,,Horizontal line,100,2,50000110,00000000"
Horizontal line.

● Style mask
This field contains the style mask. There can be max 3 masks.
Format: Mask1[,Mask2[,Mask3]]
Example: WS_,SS_

 Custom styles.

Here you can add control styles that FbEdit normally does not support.
The Value and Mask must be entered as hex values.
Normally the Mask is zero or the same as the Value, but if the style is part of a group then the group value should be entered.

 Resource types.

Here you can add resource types that are not initially supported by FbEdit.
You can also select an editor for existing resource types.
Some columns are read only for resource types that FbEdit initially supports.

● Name column.

    The resource name.
    Example: MTTEXT

● Value column.

    Normally 0, if user defined a value can be set.
    Example: 0

● Files column.

    Open files of type.
    Example: Ini (*.ini)|*.ini|Text (*.txt)|*.txt|All (*.*)|*.*

● Editor column.

    Here you can specify an editor for the file.
    Example: notepad.exe

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