Changes in Teen Attitudes Toward Marriage, Cohabitation and Children 1975-1995
By Barbara Dafoe Whitehead & David Popenoe

Overall, teens think that having a good marriage and family life is important and most say that it is likely they will get married. But they are less than certain that their future marriages will last a lifetime. One-third of high school seniors agreed or mostly agreed that "one sees so few good marriages that one questions it as a way of life." In addition, marriage is facing stiff competition from cohabitation. Living together before getting married was considered a good idea by almost 60% of high school seniors in 1995. And when asked if they agree or disagree with the statement that people will be happier if they choose marriage rather than staying single or just living with someone, over 30% of the students said "neither." Apparently, these youths do not have the evidence to convince them that marriage will provide a happier life.