Science. 2015 Feb 27;347(6225):995-8.
セファランチン(適応症:放射線による白血球減少症、円形脱毛症・粃糠性脱毛症)の一般名が ”イソテトランドリン”である。
Science. 2015 Feb 27;347(6225):995-8.
Ebola virus. Two-pore channels control Ebola virus host cell entry and are drug targets for disease treatment.
Sakurai Y1, Kolokoltsov AA2, Chen CC3, Tidwell MW4, Bauta WE4, Klugbauer N5, Grimm C3, Wahl-Schott C3, Biel M3, Davey RA6.
Author information
Ebola virus causes sporadic outbreaks of lethal hemorrhagic fever in humans, but there is no currently approved therapy. Cells take up Ebola virus by macropinocytosis, followed by trafficking through endosomal vesicles. However, few factors controlling endosomal virus movement are known. Here we find that Ebola virus entry into host cells requires the endosomal calcium channels called two-pore channels (TPCs). Disrupting TPC function by gene knockout, small interfering RNAs, or small-molecule inhibitors halted virus trafficking and prevented infection. Tetrandrine, the most potent small molecule that we tested, inhibited infection of human macrophages, the primary target of Ebola virus in vivo, and also showed therapeutic efficacy in mice. Therefore, TPC proteins play a key role in Ebola virus infection and may be effective targets for antiviral therapy.
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