Trouts and Seasons of the Mountain Village

amago mark
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I was deeply moved by the beauty of the Trout which I caught in my first fishing. Since then I began to draw trout and streams as another pleasure of fishing.
With my pictures I hope I can send feelings of seasons, rich nature in the Mountain Village and, of course, vivid expressions of lovely Trout, I have enjoyed fishing there.

butterfly amago mountain in summer fallen leaves mountain of snow Profile LINK What's New
Spring Early

Summer Autumn Winter Profile Links What's

amago iwana brown salmon parrmark-a parrmark-i ayu Blue Square
Trout1 Trout2 Trout3 Salmon Amago Iwana Other

Paper Trout
Paper Craft of Japanese Trout and the World Trout

My Best Streams
My Best Streams & Japanese Fly Fishing "Tenkara"

Please look at here if you are interested in ordering pictures.

© 1997 Yoshikazu Fujioka.